Was your organization's tax-exempt status (501c3) revoked?
Did your organization receive a letter from the IRS stating that its tax-exempt status has been revoked? Is your organization on the IRS? Check the IRS website: Automatic Revocation of Exemption List. This is a list of organizations whose tax-exempt status was revoked by the IRS.
How we can help!
Our service covers all required steps to reinstate tax-exemption, IRS 501(c)(3), for your nonprofit organization! Typically, it takes us 5 to 7 days to to complete the required paperwork for reinstatement.
Our fees: $250 to $675
The specific fee depends on date revoked and size of annual receipts. Federal application fee not included. Contact us for more details.
Typical client: $250
An organization was revoked less than 15 months ago; past and proposed annual receipts do not exceed $50,000. The organization's current assets less than $250,000. The federal application fee is $275. Total cost is $525 ($250 + $275 = $525.