Nonprofit organizations that may qualify for tax-exemption
IRS 501(c)(3)
following list may be useful as you consider whether or
not to form a nonprofit organization.
If an organization is
applying for state and federal tax exemption, it must show
that it is organized and operated for purposes that are
beneficial to the public interest.
Some examples include
organizations organized for:
of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged,
Advancement of education or science
Erection or maintenance of public buildings,
monuments, or works,
Lessening the burdens of government,
Lessening of neighborhood tensions,
Elimination of prejudice and discrimination,
Defense of human and civil rights secured by law,
Combating community deterioration and juvenile
Advancement of religion,
Examples of specific
types of programs (based on our list of current and
past clients):
educational, charitable, arts, and religious programs;
alternative/community schools
after-school programs;
cultural center programs;
missionary groups;
fraternities and sororities;
community development corporations;
pre-school and day care;
residential care facilities – adult, children, group
transitional homes;
environmental justice groups;
recreational and sports programs;
and cosmetology schools;
homeownership programs;
business leagues;
search and rescue programs, shelters;
Security and SSI support programs;
literary organizations;
veterans associations;
homeowners’ associations;